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भारतीय जेलों में जाति आधारित भेदभाव: सुप्रीम कोर्ट का ऐतिहासिक फैसला और इसके प्रभाव

what is the contents of a copyright.which types of work does copyright subsist and does not subsist?

Reproducing a work in any substantial form, including its reproduction in any medium by electronic means.

  (ii) To release to the public copies of a work which are not copies already in circulation.

  (iii) Performing any work in public, or communicating it to the public.

 (iv) To do any translation of any work or composition.

 (v) Making any adaptation of the work.

  (vi) To do any work in relation to sub-sections (i) to (vi) in relation to the translation or adaptation of the work.

 (b) in the case of a computer programme-

  (i) To do any of the things mentioned in clause (a).

  (ii) Selling or hiring or offering to sell or hire any copy of a computer program.

  (c) in the case of an artistic work, reproducing the work in any substantial form, including a depiction of a two-dimensional work, a three-dimensional work, or a two-dimensional representation of a two-dimensional work.

Works in which copyright subsists according to section 13.

  1. Subject to the provisions of this section and the other provisions of this Act, copyright in the following classes of works shall subsist throughout India, namely:-

 (a) original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works;

  (b) Cinematograph films and sound recordings.

  2. Copyright shall not subsist in any work described in sub-section (1), other than a work to which the provisions of section 40 or 41 apply, unless—

  (i) in the case of a published work, not first published in India or, where the work is first published outside India, the author thereof on the date of such publication or, in case the author is dead, on that date  Must not have been a citizen of India at the time of his death.

 (ii) in the case of an unpublished work, other than a work of architecture, the author thereof is not a citizen of India or is domiciled in India on the date of creation of the work, and

  (ii) In the case of architectural work, the work is situated in India.  yes.

Explanation: In the case of a work created by joint authors, the conditions for granting copyright described in this sub-section will have to be fulfilled by all the authors of that work.

 3. Copyright shall not subsist in - (a) a cinema film, if any substantial part of that film is an infringement of copyright in any other work.

 (b) any sound recording made in respect of any literary, dramatic or musical work, if the copyright in such work has been infringed in the making of that record.

  4. The copyright in a cinematographic film or sound recording shall not affect a separate copyright in any work in respect of which, or a substantial part of, the film or, as the case may be, the sound recording has been made.

  5. In the case of a work of architectural art, copyright shall not subsist only in respect of the artistic form and design and shall not extend to processes or methods of construction.

According to section 15, (1) Copyright under this Act shall not subsist in any design which is registered under the Designs Act, 1911.

  2. The copyright in any design which is capable of being registered under the Designs Act, 1911, but which has not been so registered, shall cease immediately when any article on which the design is used is sold by the owner of the copyright.  or has been reproduced more than fifty times in any industrial process by any other person under its license.

  According to section 16, no person shall be entitled to any copyright or similar right in any work, whether published or unpublished, except in accordance with the provisions of this Act or any other law for the time being in force, but  Nothing shall be construed to abrogate any right or jurisdiction to restrain a breach of any trust or confidence.


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