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भारतीय जेलों में जाति आधारित भेदभाव: सुप्रीम कोर्ट का ऐतिहासिक फैसला और इसके प्रभाव

What is Copyright Board? And what powers does it have? describe the strengths

( Powers of Copyright Board)   Under the Copyright Act, 1957, the Copyright Board has the following powers:  (i) If any question arises whether -   (a) whether the work has been published or the date on which the work was published for the purposes of the term of copyright, or   (b) If the period of copyright for any work is shorter in any other country than the period provided under this Act in relation to that work, then it is referred to the Copyright Board constituted under section 11 and in this regard  The decision of the Board is final. (ii) Disputes regarding assignment of copyright are settled by the Copyright Board.  (iii) Complaints regarding compulsory license in works withheld from the public are presented before the Copyright Board for decision.   (iv) The power to grant license for reproduction and publication of literary, scientific or artistic work for certain purposes is vested in the Copyright Board.   (v) The Copyright Board ha...

What do you understand by Intellectual Property laws? What laws have been enacted to protect the interest of the holders of seen property and how far the law has been successful in this direction?

Meaning of Intellectual Property Rights Laws)           This law which provides the right to control the activities of other persons in relation to intellectual property rights is called Intellectual Property Rights Law.               In the modern era, increasing competition in the commercial and industrial sector at the international and national level has strengthened the market system and people associated with the market have aimed to earn maximum profits.  For this it was necessary to keep oneself connected with the new changes.  Intellectual property rights helped to encourage people who successfully developed new inventions, technical know-how and marketing know-how to reap unlimited commercial rewards.  The grant of a large number of patents, registration of trademarks etc. in the world, especially in the industrially developed countries, support the continuous progress in the process of development....

what is the contents of a copyright.which types of work does copyright subsist and does not subsist?

Reproducing a work in any substantial form, including its reproduction in any medium by electronic means.   (ii) To release to the public copies of a work which are not copies already in circulation.   (iii) Performing any work in public, or communicating it to the public.  (iv) To do any translation of any work or composition.  (v) Making any adaptation of the work.   (vi) To do any work in relation to sub-sections (i) to (vi) in relation to the translation or adaptation of the work.   (b) in the case of a computer programme -   (i) To do any of the things mentioned in clause (a).   (ii) Selling or hiring or offering to sell or hire any copy of a computer program.   (c) in the case of an artistic work, reproducing the work in any substantial form, including a depiction of a two-dimensional work, a three-dimensional work, or a two-dimensional representation of a two-dimensional work. Works in which copyright subsists according to...

write the administration of right of owner by copyright society.

  Administration of the Rights of the Owner by Copyright Society :-   According to section 34(1), subject to such conditions as may be prescribed-   (a) A copyright committee may acknowledge the exclusive authority of the owner of rights to administer any right in a work by issuing licenses or by collecting license fees or by both.   (b) the owner of the rights shall have the right to withdraw that authorization under any contract without prejudice to the interests of the copyright society. (2) The Copyright Committee to delegate in India any administration of the rights administered by the said Copyright Committee in India to a sub-foreign society or organization with a foreign society or organization administering rights analogous to the rights under this Act, or  shall be competent to contract for the administration in India of rights administered in a foreign country by that foreign society or organization, provided that no such society or organization shall...

what is the process of registration and copyright societies?

Copyright Societies:-   Copyright Society is a legal institution which protects the interests of the owner's work.  Its purpose is to maintain the existence of the author's copyright.  Indirectly the author is assured by the Society that his Copyrights will not be infringed.  New Chapter VII Act No. 38 A.  Substituted by Section 11 of 1994 dated 10-5-95.  After the amendment, the scope of the Society has increased and its name has changed from 'Presentation Rights Society' to 'Copyright Society'.  The Copyright Society grants license for the work to be used by the general public.               Registration of copyright society (1) No person or association of persons shall, after the coming into force of the Copyright (Amendment) Act, 1994, in respect of any work, save under or in accordance with the registration granted under sub-section (3),  Provided that the owner of copyright, in his individual c...

What is Copyright Act? What are its essential elements?

There are three main methods of human life - art, culture, literature.  These sciences are directly related to the intellectual skills of the human being and their creation depends on the intellectual consciousness of the person.  We also call these genres as gifts from God.  Through all these disciplines, a person gets fame in the world and this is the reason why every person wants to keep all these disciplines intact.  Thus, no person in the world wants anyone else to copy his intellectual style.  Intellectual skill is a privilege of any person.     This right has been protected in Indian law, the law by which intellectual property has been protected is called Copyright Law.     This Act will be called the Copyright Act, 1957.  It will spread all over India.  This Act will come into force on such date as the Central Government may appoint by notification in the Official Gazette.  This Act has been implemented from January 21,...